China Langchem Inc is a research and development company specializing in custom synthesis of organic compounds and projects. Our credo is to provide products and services of the highest quality at the most reasonable prices.
1.Catalog Products
Langchem provides fine chemicals and advanced intermediates to our global customers. All these products are stocked in several convenient sizes to fit your needs.
The e-Catalog can be searched by Name and CAS No. The e-catalog is updated frequently to add new products and to incorporate customer feedback.
2. Bulk Products
The majority of our products are available in bulk quantities. Inquiries for larger amounts are always welcome.
We also provide other bulkly chemicals not in the e-catalog.
3. Custom Synthesis & Contract Research
Langchem provides custom synthesis and contract research for mg to kg quantities of catalog and/or non-catalog products within our own research laboratories and scale-up facilities. Please contact us if you are interested in our custom synthesis services.
Laboratory Equipment
Laboratory for synthesis with modern equipment such as glass reactors (max. 20 L), autoclaves, thermostats (-70° to 350°C) and hydrogenation equipment.
Intermediates and final products are analyzed by GC-Ms,Lc-Ms, HPLC, IR, NMR, MS, elemental analysis and crystallographical methods.